Dear genealogist,
You are receiving this email because you are a Heredis for Mac user.
We are glad to inform you that Heredis 2021 is now available for High Sierra!
Many of you have told us how disappointed they were not being able to use Heredis 2021 and its superb dynamic Ancestors Wheel. Indeed, some of you do not have the option to update their macOS operating system.
So that all our enthusiastic Heredis users may continue working on their genealogy, we have had to do a bit of code refactoring and to adapt some of our newer components that High Sierra could not support.
If you are a High Sierra user, visit our store to order Heredis 2021 and get 50% off the Mac version until Sunday, November 1st included!
Heredis 2021 for Mac |
50% OFF!
Thank you for your trust,
The Heredis Team