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Discover your family history with Heredis
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RootsTech Salt Lake City 2019 is about to begin. Many surprises are to be discovered on our booth number 939! If you are lucky, you may win an iPad!

During 4 days, Audrey, Aude, Bruno and Rocky from Heredis' team, will be pleased to meet you.

For those who can not come to meet us, Heredis will be 10% cheaper between February 21 and March 3, 2019!


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Heredis is a Family tree software for desktop, native Mac and Windows. We have been working hard for about 25 years to help 100.000 genealogy enthusiasts and professionals each day to discover their ancestors and connect families across generations.

From researching documents to analyzing statistics, discover more than 150 features and carry out an incredible investigation to trace back your origins.

Heredis is both simple to use and very complete. Heredis is different because of his approach to the family tree and the concept of central character. The navigation between persons, branches and generations is thus extremely fluid and logical. In addition, the software evolves regularly to incorporate new features and numerous optimizations...

See you soon and thank you for your trust!

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Much more than a family tree software...
Heredis has built up a reputation thanks to its savoir-faire, its helpful online community, and its software innovations. Product and service quality along with user satisfaction are central to Heredis.
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